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“Vijay Raaz Removed from *Son of Sardaar 2* Over Alleged Misconduct and Excessive Demands”

In an unexpected development, veteran actor Vijay Raaz has been dismissed from the forthcoming comedy film *Son of Sardaar 2*. The move is said to be due to alleged unprofessional behavior on set, where the film is currently being filmed in London.

The sequel to the 2012 hit *Son of Sardaar* includes a notable cast featuring Ajay Devgn, Deepak Dobriyal, Chunky Panday, and Mrunal Thakur. Despite the film’s promising cast, behind-the-scenes drama is garnering more attention than the movie itself.

Kumar Mangat Pathak, the co-producer of *Son of Sardaar 2*, explained that Raaz’s removal was a result of his conduct on set. “It’s accurate that we removed Vijay Raaz from the project due to his behavior. He requested larger rooms, a vanity van, and also overcharged us for the spot boys. His spot boy was paid Rs 20,000 per night, which is higher than what even top actors pay. Despite UK’s high cost, everyone received standard rooms, but Raaz insisted on premium suites,” Kumar Mangat told

The producer further elaborated on how Raaz’s demands became increasingly problematic. “When we tried to explain the cost implications, he was uncooperative and rude. He frequently said, ‘You approached me, I didn’t come asking for work.’ Despite our attempts to meet his demands, his behavior worsened. He even requested two cars for a three-person crew. After extensive discussions, we decided to remove him.”

In contrast, Vijay Raaz offers a different perspective. He argues that his removal stemmed from a perceived offense rather than misconduct. “I arrived early for the trial and did not greet Ajay Devgn since he was busy; I was talking with my friends. About thirty minutes later, Mr. Kumar Mangat told me to leave the film. The only issue on my part was not greeting Ajay Devgn. I was removed within 30 minutes of arriving on set.”

Kumar Mangat denied this account, asserting that the problems began well before the shoot. “Ajay Devgn is not someone who demands greetings. He prefers to be around creative people and treats everyone with respect. The claim that Raaz was removed for not greeting Devgn is false. Removing him cost us at least two crores, a substantial amount for what could be considered minor issues.”

Mangat reiterated that the decision was driven by Raaz’s unprofessional behavior and escalating demands. “All actors, including myself, stayed in rooms costing Rs 45,000 per night at a top hotel. Unprofessional conduct has no place here. We are fortunate to have removed him before the shoot began, as his presence would have led to further complications.”

Defending himself, Vijay Raaz questioned, “After 26 years in the industry, is it unreasonable to request a larger room?” Despite his defense, the producers remain resolute in their decision.

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